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Refrigeration Maintenance and Service Overview

Servicing refrigeration units involves a combination of routine scheduled maintenance work, emergency services, and a great deal of preparedness skills training. Grocery stores, pharmaceutical storage, bakeries, restaurants and other businesses rely heavily on dependable refrigeration systems. Most of these businesses are willing to pay an ongoing fee for a maintenance agreement to keep the units serviced and running dependably.

Unique Issues

Any malfunction of a refrigeration unit can mean spoiled products and a significant loss of revenue for the business that depends on those units. Keeping a solid maintenance schedule that is executed like clockwork is essential. If a problem occurs there is more than likely a strong sense of urgency to have the unit repaired and restored to working order within a very short period of time. Service workers must be available to respond to an emergency very quickly, which means they must always be geographically within reach based on the maintenance agreement terms.

How Visitrack Helps

First, all maintenance agreements are reviewed and the scheduling and service terms are configured into Visitrack. The routine maintenance schedule is fully managed through the Visitrack software and advises the service technicians when to visit the job site and what units should be serviced.

RFID tags will confirm that each unit is visited by the tech and the time of the visit. If a unit is overlooked, an alert can be sent almost immediately to remind the tech to check the unit.

Business rules can be set to make sure the service technicians that should be on call are in close proximity to the customer sites so that they can respond quickly if there are any issues.

Status reports can be generated on a weekly, monthly, or on demand basis to review with the customers on how well their agreement is performing.

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